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Board of Finance Minutes 02/28/2017
Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall.
Present:~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~ Andrew Russell, Bennett Bernblum,
Christopher Kerr, David Woolley
Alternate Members:~ Adam Burrows, Bob Jose, David Kelsey                

Bonnie A. Reemsnyder, ex-officio
Mary Jo Nosal, Selectwoman
Skip Sibley, Selectman
Nicole Stajduhar, Finance Director
Absent:~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~ H. P. Garvin, III, Janet Sturges
               ~Alternate Members:~~

Guests: Ian Neviaser, Superintendent of Schools, Regional School District #18
Jean Wilczynski, Treasurer, Regional School District #18 Board of Education
Holly McCalla, Business Manager, Regional School District #18
                Stephanie Lyon-Gould, Director, Lymes’ Senior Center
Cynthia Taylor, Old Lyme Visiting Nurses Association
Tom Risom, Chief, Old Lyme Fire Department
                Rob McCarthy, President, Old Lyme Fire Department
Tony Vallombroso, Purchasing Agent, Old Lyme Fire Department
Jessica Cromarty, Acting Purchasing Agent for the Old Lyme Fire Department
Carrie McCarthy, Old Lyme Volunteer Ambulance Association
Claire Haskins, Old Lyme Volunteer Ambulance Association


Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., and stated that Mrs. Sturges and Mr. Garvin would not be present this evening.  Mrs. Sturges designated Mr. Kelsey vote in her absence, and a motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mr. Kerr to have Mr. Jose vote for Mr. Garvin in his absence.  Motion carried.

Regional School District #18 – Board of Education

Mr. Neviaser reported that the overall budget as presented represents a .49% increase, including Debt Service for Fiscal Year 2017-18, in the amount of $33,634,271.   The driving forces of their budget are salaries and Instructional programs.  He stated that there is a decrease in student count and certified staff.  The breakdown is $29,282,906 for Operations/Program budget, an increase of $272,289 or 0.93% over the previous year.  Mr. Neviaser stated and detailed the Operating budget, which is comprised of Certified Salaries (up by $77,273 or .57%), Non-certified Salaries (up $140,109 or 4.57%), Instructional Programs (up $45,210 or 3.55%), Administrative Services (up $255,694 or 44.67%), and Pupil Transportation (up $28,985 or increased 3.02% per contract with the bus company).  Decreases include Employee Benefits (down by $105,963 or 2.54%), Special Education (down by $47,050 or 3.11%), Support Services (down by $2,918 or 3.63%), Plant Op & Maintenance. The Debt Service is $4,079,076, a decrease of $108,394 or (2.59%) over the previous year’s debt service.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                February 28, 2017

Mr. Neviaser stated that the schools have a new math program, are increasing the technology infrastructure, and are #2 in the state in AP courses. A sound system is being implemented and will be installed in every classroom for hearing impaired students.  Mr. Neviaser highlighted upcoming facility projects which included replacing oil tanks at each school and adding walkway lighting between the High School and Center School.  The school system is also in the process of installing night vision cameras and window air conditioning units in the Middle School and Lyme Consolidated.   Mr. Neviaser reported that when the debt service drops off in 4-5 years, a large Capital item of installing HVAC systems in three of the schools will be considered.

Mr. Neviaser reported that when RSD was calculating returns to the town, an error was discovered.  The Regional School District’s bookkeeper returned $253,000 more to Old Lyme, and $66,000 more to Lyme than should have.  He explained that those funds should have been withheld to build up their Capital reserve fund.   He discussed adjusting the billing to the towns and to adjust the returns, therefore, the towns wouldn’t receive as much back in FY 17/18.  Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the town has to abide by what our auditors advises and the town doesn’t necessarily have to agree to the terms the Regional School District wants to set forth as this error is from a fiscal year that has already been closed out. It was noted that it took 18 months to discover the error in billing.  

206-670  Lymes’ Senior Center

Mrs. Lyon-Gould detailed the operations and recommendations for the Lymes’ Senior Center, stating that the budget is pretty much the same. Mrs. Lyon-Gould detailed the operating budget, which includes an increase in cleaning and telephone, with a decrease in propane at the Senior Center.    

Mrs. Lyon-Gould detailed the Capital Budget, which included painting the interior, replacement of security cameras, and toilet replacements.  The new roof has $11,045 in the carry-over and she is requesting another $10,000 put into the roofing account, however, the work will not be done until 2018-19 fiscal year. The Capital Committee spoke with Facilities Manager, Phil Parcak, and he recommended no budgeting additional funds until FY18/19 budget.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Woolley, to approve $48,510 for the Lymes’ Senior Center.  Motion carried.

205  Fire Services                              

0540  Old Lyme Fire Department

Mr. Risom thanked Jessica Cromarty for stepping in while Mr. Vallambroso was away.  Mr. Risom outlined various increases and decreases within the operating budget stating that the budget has decreased 1.1%.  Mr. Risom detailed the increases within the operating budget of the Fire department that includes Telephone DSL, technical support, marine equipment (by $2,500), air testing, SCBA cylinder hydro, SCBA testing, fire fighting expenses, pagers and fire prevention.
Board of Finance Meeting                                                                February 28, 2017

Noted decreases included electricity, Apparatus, pager/radio maintenance, bottled water, chemicals & foam, FIT testing, extinguishers, pump testing & service, 2 ½” hoses, small tools, extrication equipment and marine equipment by $2,500 (was $5,000).

Mr. Risom detailed the Capital Budget, which included air bottles, partial towards new portable radios to replace aging units, Cross Lane air conditioning, partial towards replacing six overhead doors at Cross Lane, Cross Lane floor drain repair, second half of Lyme Street boiler replacement, Key pad entry at three locations, Lyme Street door and jam replacement, and a partial towards the future replacement of two tankers.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Bernblum, to approve $212,205 for Old Lyme Fire Department operating budget.  Mr. Kerr abstained from voting.  Motion carried.

Mr. Russell requested that the Old Lyme Visiting Nurses up on the agenda.  Therefore, a motion was made by Mr. Jose, seconded by Mr. Woolley, to move the OLVNA up on the agenda.  Motion carried.

206-0630  Old Lyme Visiting Nurse Association

Mrs. Taylor stated that the VNA budget represents $73,875 for professional nursing services/interim contract and $350 for postage.  Full time nurse increased from 14 home visits to 37 home visits per month.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Kerr, to approve $74,225 for Old Lyme Visiting Nurse Association.  Motion carried.

Mr. Russell requested that the Other Public Safety up on the agenda.  Therefore, a motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Kerr, to move the OLVNA up on the agenda.  Motion carried.

205 Other Public Safety

205-0510  Valley Shore Communication  

Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the individual town fees are calculated through the use of the established formula comprised of grand list, population and call activity.  Last year, an additional town (East Haddam) joined Valley Shore Communications and the amount the towns have to pay decreased from last year.  Valley Shore Emergency Communications presently serves ten towns.  Old Lyme’s share is $142,300.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Kerr, to approve $142,300 for Valley Shore Communication.  Motion carried.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                February 28, 2017

205-0520  Volunteer Ambulance Association

Ms. McCarthy stated that the Ambulance budget will include a new training item of $300 per 13 employees - $3,900, clothing of one set per employee per fiscal year, $180 per set - $2,340, and 7 sets of Extrication Gear at $1,850 per set - $12,950.  Operating budget is comprised of Fuel ($9,000), Comcast ($1,000) and Contracted Services ($8,000).  A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Kerr, to approve $35,290 for the Old Lyme Ambulance Association.  Motion carried.

Minutes of February 07, 2017 Regular Meeting

The minutes of February 7th meeting were reviewed. Corrections noted on page 2, 1st sentence, add “at $174,000” and delete “by Trooper is $174,000”.  Page 2, 4th paragraph, remove the “d” in “approved”.  Page 2, 5th paragraph, 1st sentence, change the first part of the sentence to read, “Last year, the Beach Stipend Committee developed and the Board of Selectmen approved a formula that is a capped amount at 50% spent on security…”.  Same paragraph, after the last sentence, add the following new sentence, “The Board of Selectmen has not made any changes to the allocation.”  Page 2, 6th paragraph, 2nd sentence should read, “The Private Beach Associations are as follows:”

A motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mr. Jose to approve minutes as modified.  Motion carried.

Minutes of February 14, 2017 Regular Meeting

The minutes of February 14th meeting were reviewed.  One correction was noted to remove Selectman Sibley from being absent under Alternate Member area.

There being no corrections noted, a motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Jose to approve the minutes as written/amended. Mr. Bernblum abstained as he/was/not present.  Motion carried.

206-600  Social Services

0610  Social Service Dept.

Mrs. Reemsnyder highlighted the Social Service Department budget which represents mileage ($300), postage ($300), and miscellaneous ($500).

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Kerr to approve $1,100, for the Social Service Department.   Motion carried.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                February 28, 2017

0620 Social Service Agencies

The grant requests of several social service agencies historically supported by the Town were discussed.  Below are the following allocations:

001  Literacy Volunteers                $500
002  Safe Futures                         500
003  Rushford Center                      500
004  Regional Mental Health               392
005  TVCCA                                600
006  Sexual Assault CC            300
007  Shoreline Soup Kitchen               500
008  Arc of New London County     750
        009  NL Homeless Hospitality Center  1,000
        010  HOPE                                  500

Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the New London Homeless Hospitality Center gave a presentation and requested $1,000.  There was a discussion as to how many residents it actually benefits.  By showing support to local organizations displays favorably when applying for various grants whose agencies investigate if the community is supporting their organization as well.  ARC of New London requested $750 which supports a training center for special needs adults to train them for various jobs.

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Kerr, to approve $5,542 for Social Service Agencies.  Motion carried.

206-0640  Estuary Transit District

Mrs. Reemsnyder stated that the Estuary Transit District provides scheduled bus service and Dial a Ride services for Old Lyme and surrounding towns.  The nine-town shuttle runs from Old Saybrook to New London and to Middletown. It provides a valuable service to small towns.

A motion was made by Mr. Bernblum, seconded by Mr. Kelsey, to approve $15,045 for the Estuary Transit District.  Motion carried.

206-0650 Estuary Services

Mrs. Stajduhar stated that the Estuary Nutrition site serves meals daily at the Senior Center, as well as providing “meals on wheels” to homebound clients, congregate meals, medical outpatient transportation, and preventative health services within the Town. The Estuary requested $38,347, citing an increase in number of residents being served as well as an increase in the cost of providing services on all levels.  The ECSI is funded by grants, donations from individuals, fund raising efforts and contributions from each of the nine towns Estuary serves.  
Board of Finance Meeting                                                                February 28, 2017

A motion was made by Mr. Kelsey, seconded by Mr. Woolley, to approve $38,347 for the Estuary Services.  Motion carried.

Other Business

No other business noted.

Mr. Russell stated that the next Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 07, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.  Budgets for General Government and Boards and Commissions are scheduled for discussion.

A motion was made by Mr. Jose, seconded by Mr. Kerr, to adjourn the regular meeting at 9:05 pm.  Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele E.  Hayes